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I need to sleep more during the week. I napped *(read: fell asleep)* on the bus coming home from work and I missed my stop by a good Kilometre (That’s 0.621371192 miles for Brad).I ended up taking the scenic route back and noticed that the Humber river decided to spew out all of it’s ice. […]

I tell you, this behemoth reared it’s ugly spire back in the days of my mothers youth. It is a bane on the Weston skyline and creates winds that’ll blow your face off. It’s also home to perpetually vacant “retail” spaces and office spaces, though business in my neighbourhood really only consists of pot dealers […]

Wednesday night is basically Thai-TV night. Aaron, Kari, and myself order from the local Thai restaurant (Aaron and I will try and sneak some China Town Chinese food, but Kari’s vote over-rules us both) and watch our PVR’d shows for the week. Last night I decided to switch it up, and a delicious change it […]

Victory is mine! We curled last night and won; Huzzah!I still fell on my ass every time I pushed off, but I managed to save myself some shame by landing the stones within the lines *most* of the time.

Is McKay Irish? She definitely brought more Irish spirit than the rest of us on Saturday, she drank the best of us under the table and decided to tell-off one of my best friends. Lucky for her she made out with another one on New Years a while back so she’s now even-steven.

Dan wanted me to take down an older photo of him on this blog and replace it with this one; I informed him that this isn’t facebook and I wasn’t going to take down an old post unless he was really put off by it. I also asked if I could pop this one of […]

If things went well, there was delicious beer available for my birthday last night.

“No bun, stick stick!”

This is to all the ladies, tomorrow’s my birthday, tempt me with whatever you feel necessary; but the only present I want isn’t coming for another week…

I’m moving offices next week, right up into the “Executive Suite.” It’ll be an interesting change since I’ve gotten fairly used to my colleagues visits (and interruptions); my office had been the hub of information and administrative work. Now I’ll be whisked away to my own private office, with a window, as the meat in […]

I’m no expert, but this looks like a wedgie waiting to happen. Granted, I was wading through half-melted snow in my Safari’s and I probably could have used some ski’s, but then I’d look like this dude and that’s far less rad.

Geometric shapes are fascinating and shit.I was personally so interested in this hole I crab walked my way down the passage. What was on the other end? That’s a tale for another time.

This is basically it, for those who haven’t been here it’s a bit of snow and a Tim Hortons.

I hate cold benches, it’s like cold concrete, you sit on them and your ass gets all frozen and hard and then your pants are all crinkly and, potentially, your balls rest on the cold and get all vigorous. I think.

Finally after another week of cold it’s dying down to warmer temperatures. I’m in Ottawa again this weekend so hopefully I’ll get to see a little of this action too! Well, maybe not so much of my buddy mike in the background; he’s gotta shave before he gets more kisses.

I am obviously quite tired, so today you get: A Puppy! Yay!

Faith is an intern we’ve got at the office, well not my office, the events office. If Johnny Cash was a young brown girl, Faith would be it. I especially dig Faith because we can have a dialogue about the amount of E-mails she’s been sending out: JVL – Man, you’re really spamming it up […]

I’ve been non-stop listening to this one track off RJD2’s album *Deadringer*, I feel like this track could be my walking song. Like if I had theme music wherever I went they could just loop Ghostwriter and it’d be an all-inclusive soundtrack to my time strutting about.

Ahhh, a weekend of sloth completely gone by and nothing to show for it; delightful. I am *very much* looking forward to my and Aaron’s trip to Ottawa again this weekend. It’s addictive out in our nations capital.

Love it when it snows; LOVE IT. Canadians pride themselves on being winter hardy, though I find Torontonians a little less so. I hear complaints whenever it snows, and I see people drive, every year, like they’ve never driven in snow before. Think of where you live people, just because it’s urban doesn’t mean it’s […]

Yoda was cool not because of his hopping ju-jitsu skills he had in the new trilogy of Star Wars; it’s because he could fuck you up by lifting his finger. He was a puppet restricted to the ground but he could still teach Luke not to be a pussy and to levitate shit with his […]

This delectable dessert happens to be my very favourite. I had a shitty night in San Diego a few years ago, walked into a restaurant, ordered a glass of deep red wine, and an order of the brulee…And after that? I wasn’t having a bad night anymore. These little sweethearts may look like mini cappuccino’s, […]

Am I really addicted to teh internets? This has been one of my most *tired* weeks of the year, but I can’t manage to drag myself off-line to actually do something productive; like sleep.I swear, it’s those girls from Ottawa, they slipped something into my drink on Saturday and now I can’t stop talking to […]